Day 2 – June 14, 2015

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Day 2 – June 14, 2015

Most of the day spent on the train. I thought the train ride was very relaxing. Best part about it was that we were force to sit with various other passengers for our meals. First we met James. James was from LA but on his way to Eugene. He makes this trip 4 times a year. James knew everything about the train. Not only with Pullman or Budd in Philadelphia, made the cars but when the cars were made. The lounge car was a Budd made1956, which he claimed was the oldest still in use on Amtrak. He also shared an odd story about Kruschev traveling by this very train “The Coast Starlight” thru Vandenburg AF base – seeing the missile silos and saying “In the Soviet Union ours are bigger and better! Who knows if that is true?? Funny story anyway. James had some good stories and he liked his cans of “American” Budweiser.

Then there was Karin and her daughter who were on there way to Bend. We shared a table at the daily wine tasting held, in the Parlour Car each day at 3:00. They have been traveling by train for many many years. I think they have been on the California Zepher, The Empire Builder, The Crescent, The City of New Orleans, and the Southwest Chief.

There really is something nostalgic about train travel. It takes time but its nice. Highly recommend it!!!

Well, 31 hours after leaving LA we arrived in Portland. 90 degrees warm but such a beautiful little city. Kate and Bruce came out for a drink to wish us “bonne voyage.” Then we were off to our last “hotel” before we start peddling. We chose to stay in the Caravan Hotel which is the world’s first Tiny house hotel. We got the last tiny house left – The Rolly Polly. It was tiny! The shower was so small Gregg said he couldn’t even turn in it. But the bed was comfy. Slept well. Recommend this hotel too. Everything clean and well appointed. All the soaps are organic the sheets cozy. They even have a fire pit with all the fixing for smores if you want them. The fire wood was cedar and smelled heavenly.

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