Day 26 – July 8, 2015

posted in: BB Across America | 2

Day 26- July 8, 2015
Elliston MT – KOA near Townsend MT – 50 miles

Bumble Bee – Audrey:

Ok, sleeping behind the Post Office, 300 meters from the train tracks, with freight trains coming through town every 30 mins, blowing their warning horns as they approach the only intersection in town, across from the Post Office, was NOT the best night’s sleep we had. But, even worse was getting out of bed with no bathroom around. We both walked to the woods for our immediate needs but, this was a bit uncomfortable. Nevertheless, we cooped with it, had our oatmeal and raisons, and got going. Had to pack up the tent wet with dew. We were at about 4500 ft. it was cold, about 45 when we got up, and very moist. But, thankfully no Grizzly bears.

Well the first thing we had to do is conquer our next mountain pass, McDonald Pass about 6200 Ft. It was about 5 miles of climbing, that meant over an 1 hr of climbing. It was not as steep as Lolo but it was a challenge, especially for me with little sleep. Oh, I may have forgotten to mention, my great comfy inflatable sleeping pad completely deflated half way thru the night. I had to blow it up in the middle of the night. Bummer, got to get to Bozeman REI to replace it.

Climbing is a real challenge in pacing, strength, and perseverance. I put my bike in the lowest gear and just got into a zone and pushed ahead. It was tough, I look ahead to a sign post, mile marker or something, and say to myself “if I can just make it there, I could stop and take a drink of water”. But when the “there” got there my mental strength kicked in “I can do it to the next bend”. And from there it went on like that for more than an 1 hr, straddling the white fog line all the way up. I slowed down for a sip of water but I never stopped. I was very excited to make it to the top and really proud of myself too. I did not give up.

Once at the top I stopped at the sign to take some pictures and waited for Gregg. I noticed a bunch of hikers looking to hitch a ride down to Helena. The were Great Divide thru hikers, like those PCT thru hikers I got to know so well last year. Oh, exciting, here I am with those characters who are doing something similar long distance travel under your own power. All of the sudden I felt like, wow, me too, I am doing something crazy like that. The thru hiking is harder and wilder, my knees couldn’t do it, especially the downhills, but, hey we are doing something kind of in that league too. Bicycling over these Passes with 90 lbs of gear, bicycling over 3700 miles, that’s nothing to shake a stick at.

After a chat with one of the thru hikers who was doing Canada to Mexico, we were on our way down. In this case, unlike Lolo Pass, the other side of the hill was steeper and longer. Lots of breaking for me. Haft way down we heard gun shots. Scary since you don’t know where its coming from and there are a lot of crazies out there. Around the bend we passed a shooting range, there was the answer.

Down, down, down, into Helena. We stopped for breakfast and replenishing water, but didn’t really get an impression of the town. We still had 30 miles to go. Out of the city we started what Gregg called “the back water trek”. We were on our HW 12 still with Townsend as our destination. Our new challenge of the day, rumble strips with virtually no shoulder. That was terrible. Rumble strips are the bumpy grooves they put into the asphalt so that when drivers doze off they wake them up. They are horrible for us, we had to feather a thin 10 inch strip of shoulder between the rumble strip and the gravel (also treacherous for us) for several miles, and all the while the heat of the day was pounding down on us.

We managed with great concentration, without looking up off the road for anything but an instant, missing the scenery, to make it to the KOA in Townsend. The KOA too, was a bit of a disappointment, no shade, and funny little tent sites next to a tepee park and RV park. We could have stayed in the tepees but they were occupied. Free unlimited hot showers were the saving grace.

We had another treat in store for us. Robin and Peggy were in the area and offered to pick us up for dinner. Cool!! real food. Robin picked us up and drover 37 miles back up the road to Three Forks MT. We went to the Sacajawea Hotel for a fabulous dinner. A real fancy place. It was very surreal to enter into this world after having slept behind the Post Office in Elliston last night.

After a nice meal of duck breast, steaks and a great Kale and avocado salad, that Robin said did not taste like Kale, Robin drove us back to the KOA. Another restless night ahead. But got to get some sleep before our long day tomorrow. All the way to Bozeman! and a new sleeping pad!

2 Responses

  1. auchandgrog

    Hi Anne,

    I am glad you found our blog. I was hoping you would follow us. We are conquering our difficulties but not aways with aplomb. I am writing this in Billings Montana, gateway to the great flatness to the east for the next 1000 miles. We are getting fit and will get fitter I suppose. Just wait to we come back and do back flips!

    Your Bro,


  2. ANNE

    Hi you two,
    I finally realized I should go to Facebook to see how you were doing, then saw the link to your blog. You both look very happy and fit, conquering difficulties with aplomb! Sounds like a thrilling and memorable adventure.
    Much love to you both!

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