Day 51 – Aug 2, 2015 – Forest Lake MN to Hastings Mn -58 miles

posted in: BB Across America | 6

Day 51 – Aug 2, 2015 – Forest Lake MN to Hastings MN – 58 miles

Here we are down the Mississippi. Was it a right decision? We are both questioning that. It took us forever to get through the cities. The paths are not straight forward. The rail to trail bike path ended just outside of White Bear Lake. Then we had to make our way down to St Paul. We tried to find what is called the Mississippi National Recreation Area but Google sent us in the wrong direction for a good 5 miles. Bad news.

Since we diverged from the tried and true Adventure Cycling maps we are kind of out on our own. We tried desperately to find good maps online but there was very little to be downloaded. It was Sunday and we had no tourist bureaus to visit.

There is another big issue. In the last few days my bicycle has been acting up. It has been extremely hard to pedal up hill, no its not me, remember I pushed up the Rockies with no problem. It is something else. I think, and perhaps Gregg agrees, that the bearings in the rear hub need replacement or repacking. So every little ascent that we get to I have to stand up and pedal hard or get up off my bike and walk. Not good. Major problem.

At one point, Gregg said that our bike were too dirty. Strangely enough, like a trail angel, a car wash with those self wash pressure hoses, appeared. We stopped for about 45 mins, took all our panniers off, and washed the bikes. Gregg also thought it may be a good idea to clean and lube the chains. Let’s see if it works. Sadly, it did’t. But our bikes look great.

We have also started down a really weird bike trail, or let us call is a route, the Mississippi River Trail. Not good, is all I have to say. We spent about 2 hrs riding through factories, steel plants, and criss crossing the area. We did not see the Mississippi river until we got to Hastings! I would just like to say, as beautiful as she is, she does not flow for us. We are now looking at heading straight east to Eau Claire Wisconsin, just forging our on way across the state. Our plans of going to La Crosse, another 138 miles down the river, are fading fast.

The big worry is if we can make it with my bike. The local stores don’t open until 11am which puts us more behind schedule. The Eau Claire shops are probably better but 84 miles away. What will we do? Tomorrow will be a big turning point for us.

6 Responses

  1. auchandgrog

    Hi Mike, Gregg here,

    So are we. We got someone to work on Audrey’s bike this morning. A really great guy who donates his time to fixing kids bikes. I’m glad we meet him. Nevertheless, we are planning on taking both bikes in for a good going over (and new chains and cogs) in La Crosse WI — which has several good bike shops but you guessed it, is 85 miles away. We pray (in our way) for a really good mechanic. The Mississippi trail has not be all bad. There are some really cool old downtowns in some of the towns along the way. One of the down sides, is we rarely see the Mississippi river while riding the trail.

  2. auchandgrog

    Hi Pete, Gregg here,

    More like many another worlds. North Dakota was pretty another worldish. Minnesota not so much…etc. A lot of the differences go unspoken. The bar owner in Marian ND, asked if we believed in climate change (he said that end of the world stuff) and we said, of course, that we did and that we had solar on our house and Audrey drives an electric car. He said he didn’t. No more on that topic. The large number of animal heads on the wall of saloons in Idaho, Montana and North Dakota stopped appearing in Minnesota. And so on.

  3. auchandgrog

    Hi, Just pretty much nose rings. So far only two nose rings in MN. I doubt that we will have time to do any sailing…I would have liked to already. We will try to call Uncle Roger. Tomorrow we start our trek across WI. Keep the comments coming. Love, Gregg and Audrey.

  4. Pete

    Must feel so alone out there in some ways. I had never been to Ojai before we did that trip with you guys. The wife and I took off for a bit to find food and take a look around town. We were right around the corner from home, but it felt like we were alone in another world. You guys really are in another world. Good luck. Can’t wait for a debriefing in the end. What would you have left? What do you wish you had taken? etc.

  5. Mike Williams

    I am praying that you guys get a break and find a good bike shop quickly. I am really bummed that the Mississippi trail has not been a good experience. I hope you don’t have to ride 85 miles on a bike that has a problem

  6. Mom & Dad

    Hi! Gregg’s comments on the states you have visited to date were fascinating, especially the comments on nose rings. We don’t recall ever seeing nose rings. Lip rings, eyebrow rings, multiple ear rings, yes, but no nose rings.

    We have talked to Dad’s brother Roger several times. They live in Okemos, Michigan, a suburb of East Lansing not too far from Ann Arbor. Roger and wife, Mary Louise, are currently sailing their 37 fit sailboat on Lake Michigan. They should be home by mid-August. You can reach Roger on his cell phone (517) 881-1590. A meeting with them might be possible.

    You should be moving into more interesting countryside around the Great Lakes. Love and be safe, Mom and Dad

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