Day 58 – Aug 9, 2015 – SS Badger Crossing Lake Michigan

posted in: BB Across America | 3

Day 58 – Aug 9, 2015 – Crossing Lake Michigan SS Badger

We made it to Ludington MI. A new state. We did not really have to ride far, we maybe rode 7 miles today. The crossing was very pleasant, sitting and relaxin the whole time.

The ferry crossing was great. I love ships and this one was special. The SS Badger is the only steam coal fired ship running in the United States. As Gregg said “she’s not a beauty” but there is some nostalgic and a bit romantic about a ship crossing. It is not a ocean or a sea, but a great lake, yet still super cool. The ship was full. We barely fit our bikes into the last stowage left on the ship. There were even about 10 dogs crossing, all in there dog crates barking away. The ship had movies and Bingo and lunch and even 2 bars. It was comfortable. For me it seemed like time flew. A 4 hour crossing felt like an hour or so to me.

I had another trail angel experience today on the SS Badger crossing. I signed up for a massage on the upper deck. It was scheduled for a 20 min massage but I was late. Since we are not riding I don’t really have a sense of the time, and since we were sailing to Michigan our time changed, we are now on eastern time, our last time zone. Ruth, the angel, asked me what I need and she would rush through it while my time lasted. She was wonderful, one of the best massages I have had. Not only that, she was from the same tribe. She had ridden her bike for 2000 miles in Australia, and she is considering, and will most likely do, the AT or the Appalachian Trail this year. There was a lot of healing power in her hands. And for the first time on our trip I felt like I really communicated with someone. She understood and I understood. What a wonderful moment on this trip. Thank you Ruth.

I also had a moment to become a tiny little trail angel myself. We met Jared on the ship. Jared is from Pennsylvania and is studying wilderness and outdoor medicine in Anchorage Alaska. He rode his bike all the way from Alaska, has 1000 miles on us and a very lonely road behind him since he is doing this solo. I felt for him. He said it was not really the physical but the mental challenges that taxed him the most. I can understand that. He is also on a slim, very slim budget, so he has slept in parks, in gas stations during storms, and where ever he can for free. Not anything like what we are doing. I give Jared a lot of credit. It must have been super difficult to do this. He said he had 7 bear encounters all on his bike and none of the bears really paid too much attention to him. But he was tired, very tired. He was having a hard time pushing himself to do the last 800 miles. His eyes looked tired. We talked, we listened, I bought him a beer and tried to encourage him to persevere. He will. Go Jared.

We stopped at an old hotel just off the ferry, the Stearns Motor Inn. It was built in 1905. It is old and rustic but the rooms are super clean and nice. It reminds me of a European hotel, and something that most Americans may not like since it is “old”. I like it and it fits the theme of the day, SS Badger was built in 1953.

Tomorrow we ride again into the countryside of Michigan, a new state for us. Nice meal in Ludington, pot roast for Gregg and crab legs for me.

3 Responses

  1. Mike Williams

    I am rereading this post on Sunday August 30th. I am reading the travel section of the NY Times about a guy who is driving around Lake Michigan. There is a reference to Luddington being the only active ferry crossing of the lake. Interesting reading to the small town that have or have not survived.

  2. auchandgrog

    Hi there. Yes, we are in Michigan. An interesting day today. I should be able to give you a call tomorrow when we get to a bigger town. I do not have service right now. I will try to call Roger also. We have a pretty good idea when we will be in Ann Arbor. Maybe they could have breakfast with us or dinner? As you know we are always on the move. No rest for the weary. Looking forward to getting home soon. This has been a long journey. Glad you are reading the blog!! Sometimes it is very hard to sit down after a long day to put words to everything we experienced. Love – Auch.

  3. Mom & Dad

    Hi Audrey & Greg!. Welcome to Michigan. I talked to my brother Roger last Friday, 7 August. He and Mary Louise were in Harbor Springs, MI after a month on their sailboat. They are getting the boat ready for winter storage and will return home in Okemos, a suburb of East Lansing about 30 miles from Ann Arbor, MI. Roger’s cell phone number is (517) 881-1590. It might be possible to meet them in Ann Arbor. Give Roger a call at your convenience. We love your daily blog. Keep safe. Love, Mom and Dad.

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