Day 60 – Aug 11, 2015 – LeRoy MI to Midland MI 87 miles

posted in: BB Across America | 3

Day 60 – Aug 11, 2015 – LeRoy MI to Midland MI – 87 miles

Yes, we slept well in our tent. It was a little cool and damp when we woke up but we have great sleeping bags and pads. Fresh air was wonderful. There was no way we would have been able to sleep comfortably in that sticky dirty motel room.

We got up early and went to breakfast at the local cafe. As usual, which we have seen our entire trip, there was a large table filled with local men having coffee and catching up. That is something that I will really remember and cherish about observing America, these moments. We saw the “4 fingered” farmers in Montana and North Dakota talking about making hay, and the Minnesota folks talking about hunting, and ice fishing, and now these guys were actually commenting on the news. Hillary was the “first broom”, I guess a reference to witches. Trump was a “nut case” and they even referenced Bernie Sanders. Wow, we are in a different place now. Actually yesterday a table in our breakfast place was talking about how Gavin Newsome, the extraordinarily liberal Californian, should run. We are in a different world when we have time to listen and observe.

But most of the time we are moving. Today, all I wanted to do is make as many miles between myself and LeRoy and our rancid hotel, as possible. Unfortunately, we did, and we went the wrong way. We pedaled about 4.5 miles in the wrong direction. Bad news. We had to work hard climbing and descending hills to make up for it. But we did it in style. I guess we are both in better shape then we give ourselves credit.

So we finally found our way back to our route and it was smooth and fast. The wind was in our favor. We passed more of those strange lake side towns with very depressed cottages. We had lunch in a place called Lake George. At Farwell we started to hit the most fantastic bike trails you could imagine. The were paved and flat and almost completely without bumps. We were in luck. We made some great time.

But before we reached Farwell I started feeling some issues with my gear shifting, it would stick our not shift at all. I was reluctant to mention things to Gregg because I feel that he usually thinks I am too sensitive and nothing is wrong. So I went a good 15 miles without saying something. But then I was worried. Just before we got Clare MI, I told Gregg I had a problem. When we reached Clare, Gregg rode my bike and agreed there was a problem. When we got to Clare MI a friendly railroad maintenance person mentioned that there was a bike shop just up the road. Ray’s Bike Shop was very nice. The young lady that ran the shop helped us. She took apart my shifter and pulled on the cable which disintegrated as she pulled it out. It was so frayed and almost complete gone, that it was almost a miracle that we stopped and got it done before we did the last 32 miles. Another trail angel for me. It took her some time to thread the cable and also tend to the shop. But eventually she got it done and it worked just fine. To be honest, there could be some more adjustment because it is simply not as smooth as it was before. But for now it is fine.
The rest of the way was great on a smooth flat bike path. We could average about 12 mph and also to listen to iPods and relax. It was a really mellow 32 miles. The people who live along the Pere Marquette bike trail are supper lucky to have something like this.

Got to Midland after about 85 miles, tired and ready for a nice shower and some dinner. Tired again on this never ending journey.

3 Responses

  1. auchandgrog

    Strangely enough we came upon a weird “Solvang” of Michigan that was Bavarian themed called Frankenmuth. Sorry example of German food but some good German beer. No BMWs only Buicks. We are plugging along. It is hard sometimes to motivate yourself to get up at 5 or 6 in the morning to ride. But today I saw people sitting on their porch watching the world go by. At that moment made my bike saddle my porch chair. I am slowly seeing the world go by. But I am doing the pedaling.

  2. Mike Williams

    Hey, its nice to see Gregg smiling. Glad to know you are finding trail angels when you need them. Also it was very nice to hear about Audrey taking time to talk to the young man traveling solo from Alaska on a budget! What was he thinking. I know it wasn’t a vacation but what an ordeal to do by yourself. How are the dogs doing? I think about Jasper every now and then.

  3. Dans

    Yes bike trails are the best. Germany has a lot of them which is good for us. What we can’t do is ride on the autobahn. Too much wind from the BMWs driving 200km.

    Don’t forget to look at the big map of North America. How far you have come. On our Rand McNally, you only have about 2inches to go. Not far. Okay that’s as the bird flies. Let’s say 3 inches because you will get some curves. Still not far at all. You can do it!

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