IMG_5275Gregg has been traveling by bicycle for many years


Born and raised in Southern California I, unlike Audrey, have lived no where else. I have, however, traveled a bit as a tourist, mostly by bicycle. I started bicycle touring while still in high school. Back then, the equipment was crude but the trips were fun. Since then, I have mostly toured Highway 1 between Vancouver and San Diego. I have done a few tours outside the U.S. — New Zealand and the Ice Fields Parkway in Canada.

I recently retired from 35 years of teaching high school social science and history at the Hamilton Humanities Magnet in Los Angeles. I expect this transcontinental trip will be a sort of psychological reset. I intend to spend my “declining” years advancing my life by re-starting my attempts at sculpture; sailing my 35 foot Ericson 35 Mk ll sailboat Eliza; doing more and varied travels by bicycle and foot; and more.
Audrey has been trying to keep up for a couple of years now

Born in Germany as a daughter of a U.S. Foreign Service officer and a German mother I spent my first 18 years hopping back and forth between Europe and the Washington DC area. After graduating from the American International School in Vienna Austria, I decided to follow my 2 older brothers to California. There I went to UC Santa Barbara and fell in love with the Pacific coast. Yet, after 4 years in beautiful Santa Barbara the wander bug, which is a big part of my soul, bit me again and off I was for another 12 years working, living, and traveling the world. Working in travel and American television programs, I called Boston, Paris, and London home before finally deciding to settle back in California.

Today when I am not bicycle touring, or sailing to Catalina with Gregg on “Eliza”, I work for ARD German Television as a full time TV producer telling stories about the United States to German speaking audiences around the world.